Conference Program

04 May 2023


Thursday June 1st, 2023

9:00-10:00      Registration                                     IQS Main Building Lobby

10:00-10:15    Welcome Address                          Sala Multimedia

10:15-11:40    Keynote Speech I                           Sala Multimedia

11:40-12:00    Coffee Break                                   Sala Polivalent

12:00-13:25    Keynote Speech II                          Sala Multimedia

13:30-15:00    Lunch                                                IQS Cafeteria

15:00-16:30    Session I                                           1507

16:30-17:00    Coffee Break                                  5th Floor Lobby

17:00-18:30    Session II                                          1507

20:00-22:30    Conference Dinner                        Restaurante Barceloneta


Friday June 2nd, 2023

9:00-10:30      Session III                                      1507

10:30-11:00    Coffee Break                                 Multimedia Hall

11:00-13:00    Roundtable Session                    Sala Multimedia

13:00-13:30    Closing Ceremony                       Sala Multimedia

13:30-15:30    Farewell Lunch                             Courtyard


Plenary Sessions


Thursday June 1st, 2023 

10:00-10:15   Welcome Address


Octasiano M. Valerio Mendoza (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Flavio Comim (Dean, IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull)

Salvador Borrós Gómez (Director, Institut Quimic de Sarria, Universitat Ramon Llull)

Amadeo Jensana (Economic Program Director, Casa Asia)

10:15-11:40  Keynote Speech I: Poverty, inequality and common prosperity— Has China transformed into high income category?

Chair: Octasiano M. Valerio Mendoza (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Speaker: Shaohua Chen (Xiamen University)

12:00-13:25  Keynote Speech II: "Common Prosperity" for China Begins at 0 to 3 Years Old

Chair: Mihály Tamás Borsi (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Speaker: Scott Rozelle (Stanford University)


Friday June 2nd, 2023

11:00-13:00   Roundtable Session: China's Path to Prosperity: Navigating the Middle Income Trap towards a Developed Nation

Welcome Address: Sr. Zhu Jingyang (General Consul P.R.China)

Amadeo Jensana (Economic Program Director, Casa Asia)

Chair: Octasiano M. Valerio Mendoza (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Speakers: Shaohua Chen (Xiamen University)

Scott Rozelle (Stanford University)


13:00-13:30   Closing Ceremony


Flavio Comim (Chair of Ethics, Universitat Ramon Llull)

Mihály Tamás Borsi (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Octasiano M. Valerio Mendoza (Universitat Ramon Llull)


Parallel Sessions

Session I: Institutions and Economic Development

Room: 1507 (15:00-16:30)

Chair: Linda Glawe (University of Hagen)

Chinese economic development strategy: the co-evolution of transformations in the institutional matrix and in productive development policies

Presenter: Antonio Carlos Diegues (University of Campinas)

Discussant: Gina Arnesen Eckhoff (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Putting Simplicity Back Into New Economic Geography

Presenter: Gina Arnesen Eckhoff (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Discussant: Linda Glawe (University of Hagen)

Nonlinearities in the institutions-growth relationship in a dynamic panel data framework: Evidence from China’s provinces

Presenter: Linda Glawe (University of Hagen)

Discussant: Antonio Carlos Diegues (University of Campinas)

Session II: Economic Policy, Growth, and Human Development

Room: 1507 (17:00-18:30)

Chair: Tonglong Zhang (South China Agricultural University)

 Health insurance and mental health

Presenter: Suya Zhao (University of Birmingham) 

Discussant: Yawen Ding (Peking University) 

Catch up with my husband as I can: Women’s decision making power consequences of China’s poverty alleviation relocation program

Presenter: Yawen Ding (Peking University) 

Discussant: Tonglong Zhang (South China Agricultural University)

Early-life Famine Exposure, Preference and Land Market Decision of Local Leader in China: Empirical Evidence Based on Regression Discontinuity Design

Presenter: Tonglong Zhang (South China Agricultural University)

Discussant: Suya Zhao (University of Birmingham) 

Session III: Investment and Innovation

Room: 1507 (9:00-10:30)

Chair: Mònica Martínez Blasco (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Transport infrastructure and the spatial distribution of CO2 emissions

Presenter: Martin Kleimann (FernUniversität in Hagen)

Discussant:  Thomas Rowley (ESSEC Business School)

Domestic Superstars vs Superstar FDI: Granular Comparative Advantage and Micro Implication

Presenter: Thomas Rowley (ESSEC Business School)

Discussant: Mònica Martínez Blasco (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Unveiling the impact of China’s Company Law revisions on information disclosure during Shareholder Meetings

Presenter: Mònica Martínez Blasco (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Discussant: Martin Kleimann (FernUniversität in Hagen)